History Honors


The B.A. with History Honors is the highest accolade UNC Charlotte History undergraduates can receive.  It attests to your advanced methodology training in History and the successful authorship of a publishable article-style thesis; as well as your exemplary grade point averages in your major and undergraduate courses.  History Honors is great preparation for post-baccalaureate/graduate training and a stellar addition to your resume. History Honors Candidates may receive dual early-entry graduate credit for the History Master’s program. The honors thesis satisfies the University Honors Program portfolio requirement and the Levine Scholar’s distinction for graduation with honors.

To become a History Honors Candidate, you must complete History 3600 History Skills Seminar with a grade of A, achieve a 3.5 GPA in History; and a 3.0 GPA overall.  Those interested should contact the Director of Undergraduate and Honors Director early on to determine the best time to enter the program (the Honors sequence starts each fall).  This is especially important if you also plan to complete teacher licensure, study abroad, or add another major or honors program to your studies. You apply for History Honors directly with the Honors Director. Applications for the History Honors program are accepted on a rolling basis during the spring semester prior to starting HIST 4797 (part 1 of the Honors sequence). 



The History Honors curriculum consists of two courses.  History 4797 Honors Methods and Practice/Davenport Seminar is taught in the fall.  It prepares you for your thesis work by providing training in historiography, research methods, source development, and writing.  During the course, you will meet separately with your thesis advisor to craft a formal proposal and author a preliminary thesis draft.  In History 4799 Honor Research and Thesis (W) you craft your thesis.  You will be assisted in this endeavor by your advisor and a first reader.  You may start History 4799 in fall or spring.  History 4797 satisfies the department’s 4000 level elective requirement.  History 4799 replaces History 4600.  You achieve History Honors by obtaining a grade of A for History 4797 (or B with permission to proceed) and an A for History 4799; while maintaining your 3.5 History/3.0 overall GPA.  If you do not reach one of these thresholds, you move back to the regular curriculum.  Were you to score a C for History 4797, you would take History 4600 Senior Research Seminar to graduate.  If you pass History 4799 but did not score an A, you will still have completed your capstone course, and thus be ready to graduate upon completion of the courses and credit hours mandated for the History B.A..



Honors candidates write a thesis of between 25 and 45 pages (double-spaced 12pt font) in length, which adheres to the conventions for scholarly articles.  Your thesis should pose an innovative/relevant research question, offer a sophisticated historiographical discussion, engage in analytical discussion; as well as mobilize a substantial amount of primary source scholarship.  Successful theses would be publishable in peer-reviewed journals.

You conduct your research and craft your thesis in close concert with your advisor.  Your thesis must undergo at least one full revision based on the comments of your advisor and readers before you may defend it for the full committee (advisor, reader, honors director).  You must schedule your thesis defense no later than the reading day of the semester you plan to graduate and submit your revision at least five days prior to that date.  A thesis defense lasts about forty minutes.  During this meeting, the committee will question you on your content expertise, research methodology, and findings; before assigning a final grade. The committee members (including the honors director) must sign off on your candidacy.


Thesis Advisor and Readers

Honors candidates select a thesis advisor and a first reader either when enrolled in History 4797, or in the semester prior to History 4799.  The thesis advisor must be a tenured or tenure-track member of the History Department faculty or a History Department lecturer.  The first reader may be a tenured or tenure-track member from History or another department, or a History Department Lecturer.  The second reader may be a tenured or tenure-track member from History or another department, or a History Department Lecturer. Your advisor meets with you regularly to discuss your progress and review your research and writing.  A first reader assists when needed and comments on your writing in progress.  The second reader ordinarily starts with reviewing your full draft.  In consultation with their advisor, Honors Candidates may seek additional input from faculty consultants with specific expertise in the field of study.

Candidates and advisors should carefully review needed expertise, collaborative fit, time schedules/commitments, etc. before agreeing to work together on an honors thesis.  It is the candidate’s responsibility to ask for assistance, schedule meeting times, and meet agreed deadlines.  The advisor and readers should review work in a timely fashion and give the candidate direct feedback on progress.  Candidates may change their advisor at any time in consultation with the Honors Director by filling out the applicable request form.


Dual and Co Credits

History Honors Candidates planning to pursue a Master’s in History at UNC Charlotte as well as Dual B.A./MA History Candidates may apply their History Honors credit both to their undergraduate and graduate studies. Please contact the Honors Director and the Director of Graduate Studies for details PRIOR to enrolling in the History Honors Program.

The B.A. History with History Honors combines well with UNC Charlotte’s service and leadership-oriented honors programs.  University Honors Program students enrolled in the History Honors receive a waiver for their UHP senior capstone portfolio course requirement. Levine Scholars may receive additional academic honors by completing the History Honors program. Please contact the Honors Director.


Application forms/graduation clearance

The Honors College formally bestows all honors recognitions. Thesis Proposals and Applications for Candidacies must, therefore, be approved by the Honors Faculty prior to enrollment in History 4799 (see details below).  The application consists of a formal thesis proposal and a candidacy form.  See  for details.

For further information regarding Arts & Architecture, Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities see  for details.

Candidates must bring part 2 of the Application to Candidacy form to their thesis defense. Your thesis committee will mark your grade for your thesis on this application and sign off on its completion.  You must obtain the signature of the Honors Director and deposit one copy of your thesis with the Department before returning the form to the Honors College for processing.  Your accomplishment will be noted on your diploma and in the commencement program. For questions and/or further information, please contact the Honors Director.



All Honors Candidates must submit to the Honors College an Application to Candidacy Form with a thesis proposal by the deadline the semester PRIOR to the semester in which they expect to complete the thesis.  This process includes a review of the proposal by Honors Faculty and sometimes requires revisions.  You will craft the proposal and complete the application process as part of your HIST 4797 seminar.  However, it is your responsibility to assure that Dr. Massino and your advisor approve your proposal and sign your application prior to the submission deadline to the Honors College.  This Application to Candidacy process is required before taking HIST 4799.  For more information, including the form, deadlines, and guidelines, see: https://honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev/living-honors/graduation-process/.  Failure to follow this procedure will result in denial of graduation with honors.


The B.A. with History Honors is the highest accolade UNC Charlotte History undergraduates can receive.  It attests to your advanced methodology training in History and the successful authorship of a publishable article-style thesis, as well as your exemplary grade point averages in your major and undergraduate courses.  History Honors is great preparation for post-baccalaureate/graduate training and a stellar addition to your resume. History Honors Candidates may receive dual early-entry graduate credit for the History Master’s program. The honors thesis satisfies the University Honors Program portfolio requirement and the Levine Scholar’s distinction for graduation with honors.


To become a History Honors Candidate, you must complete History 3600 History Skills Seminar with a grade of A, achieve a 3.5 GPA in History, and a 3.0 GPA overall.  Those interested should contact the Director of Honors early on to determine the best time to enter the program (the honors sequence starts each fall).  This is especially important if you also plan to complete teacher licensure, study abroad, or add another major or honors program to your studies.

The Honors Committee will consider applications of majors who received a B in HIST 3600 and/or have an overall and History GPA of 3.0 or above, upon recommendation of their HIST 3600 instructor.

You apply for History Honors directly with the Honors Director by submitting an application proposal via email. This proposal should contain the following:

  • One paragraph outlining your motivations for applying to the History Honors program.
  • An outline of a potential thesis topic. A thesis statement is not needed yet, but you should describe a specific area of interest and research question you could explore within a year-long project, as well as primary sources you might draw on. You may change your thesis topic later when working on your thesis proposal in HIST 4797.
  • The names of a potential advisor and first reader for your committee. Their expertise should be relevant to your proposed project.
  • (On a second page:) a bibliography for your proposed topic that lists at least ten relevant secondary sources and one or more primary sources or collections of primary sources. Format in Chicago Style.
  • The descriptive part of the proposal should cover one full page (double-spaced, 12-pt font) and be written out in full sentences.

The Honors Director will review your proposal in consultation with the Honors Committee and issue an authorization to enroll in HIST 4797 upon admission. For questions about the application process, please contact the Honors Director.


The History Honors curriculum consists of two courses.  History 4797 Honors Historiography and Methodology/Davenport Seminar is taught in the fall.  It prepares you for your thesis work by providing training in historiography, research methods, source development, and writing.  During the course, you will meet separately with your thesis advisor to craft a formal proposal and author a preliminary thesis draft. History 4799 Honors Research and Thesis is taught in the spring. It is a writing seminar that guides you through the process of crafting your thesis.  You will be assisted in this endeavor by your advisor and a first reader.  History 4797 satisfies the department’s 4000-level historiography requirement.  History 4799 replaces History 4600.  You achieve History Honors by obtaining a grade of A for History 4797 (or B with permission to proceed) and an A for History 4799, while maintaining your 3.5 History/3.0 overall GPA.  If you do not reach one of these thresholds, you move back to the regular curriculum.  Were you to score a C for History 4797, you would take History 4600 Senior Research Seminar to graduate.  If you pass History 4799 but did not score an A, you will still have completed your capstone course, and thus be ready to graduate upon completion of the courses and credit hours mandated for the History B.A..


Honors candidates write a thesis of between 25 and 45 pages (double-spaced 12pt-font) in length, which adheres to the conventions for scholarly articles.  Your thesis should pose an innovative/relevant research question, offer a sophisticated historiographical discussion, engage in analytical discussion, and mobilize a substantial amount of primary sources.  Successful theses would be publishable in peer-reviewed journals.

You conduct your research and craft your thesis in close concert with your advisor.  Your thesis must undergo at least one full revision based on the comments of your advisor and readers before you may defend it for the full committee (advisor, reader, honors director).  You must schedule your thesis defense no later than the Reading Day of the semester you plan to graduate and submit your revision at least five days prior to that date.  A thesis defense lasts about forty minutes.  During this meeting, the committee will question you on your content expertise, research methodology, and findings before assigning a final grade. The committee members (including the honors director) must sign off on your candidacy.

Thesis Advisor and Readers

Honors candidates select a thesis advisor and a first reader either when enrolled in History 4797, or in the semester prior to History 4799.  The thesis advisor must be a tenured or tenure-track member of the History Department faculty or a History Department lecturer.  The first reader may be a tenured or tenure-track member from History or another department, or a History Department lecturer.  The second reader is typically the Director of Honors. Your advisor meets with you regularly to discuss your progress and review your research and writing.  A first reader assists when needed and comments on your writing in progress.  The second reader (if different from the Honors Director) ordinarily starts with reviewing your full draft.  In consultation with their advisor, honors candidates may seek additional input from faculty consultants with specific expertise in the field of study.

Candidates and advisors should carefully review needed expertise, collaborative fit, time schedules/commitments, etc. before agreeing to work together on an honors thesis.  It is the candidate’s responsibility to ask for assistance, schedule meeting times, and meet agreed deadlines.  The advisor and readers should review work in a timely fashion and give the candidate direct feedback on progress.  Candidates may change their advisor at any time in consultation with the Honors Director by filling out the applicable request form.

Dual and Co-Credits

History Honors candidates planning to pursue a Master’s in History at UNC Charlotte as well as Dual B.A./M.A. History candidates may apply their History Honors credit both to their undergraduate and graduate studies. Please contact the Honors Director and the Director of Graduate Studies for details PRIOR to enrolling in the History Honors Program.

The B.A. History with History Honors combines well with UNC Charlotte’s service and leadership-oriented honors programs.  University Honors Program students enrolled in History Honors receive a waiver for their UHP senior capstone portfolio course requirement. Levine Scholars may receive additional academic honors by completing the History Honors program. Please contact the Honors Director for more information.

Application Forms/Graduation Clearance

The Honors College formally bestows all honors recognitions. Thesis proposals and Applications for Candidacy must, therefore, be approved by the Honors Faculty prior to enrollment in History 4799 (see details below).  The application consists of a formal thesis proposal and a candidacy form.  See honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev for details.

For further information regarding Arts & Architecture, Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities see honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev.

Candidates must fill out part 2 of the Application to Candidacy form before their thesis defense and submit it online. Your thesis committee will mark your grade for your thesis on this application and sign off on its completion after the defense. You must obtain the signature of the Honors Director and submit one copy of your thesis to the History Department and one copy to the Honors College for processing. Your accomplishment will be noted on your diploma and in the commencement program. For questions and/or further information, please contact the Honors Director.


All Honors Candidates must submit to the Honors College an Application to Candidacy Form with a thesis proposal by the deadline the semester PRIOR to the semester in which they expect to complete the thesis.  This process includes a review of the proposal by Honors Faculty and sometimes requires revisions.  You will craft the proposal and complete the application process as part of your HIST 4797 seminar.  However, it is your responsibility to ensure that the Director of Honors and your advisor and first reader approve your proposal and sign your application prior to the submission deadline to the Honors College.  This Application to Candidacy process is required before taking HIST 4799.  For more information, including the form, deadlines, and guidelines, see:  honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev/living-honors/graduation-process.  Failure to follow this procedure will result in denial of graduation with honors.